Terms & conditions - Toury The App Terms & conditions - Toury The App

General Terms and Conditions


1. Introduction

Toury is a digital platform designed to connect touring artists and their teams and event promoters with industry service providers. It facilitates the posting and fulfilling of specific service requests, such as tour bus rentals and more, for touring artists and bands.” Toury is specifically designed to cater to the unique needs of the music and touring industry. Our platform is tailored for:


Touring Artists and Bands:

Whether you are embarking on a national tour or planning international shows, Toury provides an essential service to connect you with the logistical support you need. This platform is your gateway to a seamless touring experience, offering you the ability to post specific service requests related to your tour.

Industry Service Providers:

We welcome a diverse range of service providers who play a crucial role in the touring industry. This includes, but is not limited to, tour bus rental companies, equipment providers, venue managers, and technical support teams. If you offer services that can facilitate the smooth operation of a music tour, Toury serves as your platform to connect with touring artists and bands in need of your services.


Through Toury, we aim to create a symbiotic environment where artists and bands can easily find and collaborate with industry service providers, ensuring their tours are successful, well-supported, and memorable. By registering on Toury, you become part of a dedicated community focused on bringing efficiency and ease to the touring process, ensuring that every tour, big or small, is equipped with the best industry has to offer. We are committed to fostering a professional, reliable, and thriving network where every member can find value and grow. Welcome to Toury – where touring meets excellence!


2. User Registration and Account Management

User Registration and Account Management

At Toury, we understand that a well-defined user role enhances the functionality and experience of our platform. Whether you are a touring artist, a band, or an industry service provider, the registration process is streamlined and consistent for all. Upon registration, users have the option to subscribe monthly or yearly, aligning with their usage needs and preferences. This structure ensures a tailored experience for every member of our community.


For Touring Artists and Teams:

Introduce Your Act: Share a compelling biography that captures the essence of your music and performance style.

Specify Your Needs: Clearly outline the specific services and support you are looking for in your tours, such as specific types of tour buses, technical equipment, or venue preferences.Update Regularly: Keep your profile up-to-date with your latest tours, achievements, riders, and requirements. A current profile ensures that you attract the right kind of service providers.


For Industry Service Providers:

Showcase Your Services: Provide a detailed description of the services you offer, including any specialties or unique offerings that set you apart.

Display Experience and Credibility: Highlight past collaborations, client testimonials, and any relevant certifications or awards.

Availability and Geographic Reach: Clearly state your availability and the geographic areas you serve, ensuring that you connect with artists and bands who can most benefit from your services.


Platform Interaction Guidelines:

Service Providers: Can apply for requests, engage in chat with clients for the requests they have applied for, but cannot place new requests.

Clients: Can place requests, engage in chat only with service providers who have applied for their request, but cannot apply for requests.

A user can assume both roles, enjoying the flexibility of being a service provider and a client, enhancing the dynamism within the Toury community. By maintaining a comprehensive and up-to-date profile, you not only increase your visibility on Toury but also contribute to a more efficient, transparent, and successful matching process. Your profile is your first impression – make it count!


Commitment to Authenticity:

Remember, accuracy and authenticity are key. Misrepresentation not only undermines trust but also hampers the effectiveness of our platform. Let’s work together to make Toury a reliable and thriving community for all members of the touring and music industry.


3. Financial Transactions

Key Point on Financial Transactions: An essential aspect of our platform is the delineation of financial responsibilities. It’s important to note that Toury’s involvement in financial transactions is strictly limited to the subscription payments for using our platform. These subscriptions, available on a monthly or yearly basis, grant access to our wide range of features designed to facilitate connections within the touring and music industry.


Scope of Toury’s Financial Responsibility:

Subscription-Based Model: All users, whether they are service providers or clients, engage with Toury through a subscription model. This is the only financial transaction that occurs directly through Toury.


External Transactions:

Any transactions made between clients and service providers, beyond the scope of the subscription fee, are conducted independently of Toury. This includes payments for services, hiring fees, and other related financial exchanges.


Limited Responsibility:

Once a connection is established on Toury, the platform is not responsible for overseeing or managing any further business transactions between the two parties. The responsibility for these transactions lies solely with the involved client and service provider.


Ensuring a Safe and Trustworthy Platform:

While Toury is dedicated to easing the connection between clients and providers, it is important for all users to understand that the platform does not oversee or guarantee the terms, conditions, or outcomes of any independent transactions made after connecting on Toury. Users are encouraged to exercise due diligence and follow best practices in their business dealings to ensure a successful and mutually beneficial relationship.

By understanding and respecting these guidelines, our users can confidently use Toury to connect and collaborate while acknowledging the boundaries of our platform’s responsibilities.


4. User Conduct and Responsibilities

Guidelines for Posting Service Requests:

Be Specific and Clear: Clearly state the nature of the service you require, including any specific details or requirements. For example, if you’re a band seeking a tour bus, mention the size, amenities, and travel dates.

Professional Conduct: Maintain a professional tone in all communications. Respectful and courteous interactions lay the groundwork for successful collaborations.

Authenticity: Ensure that all information provided in your request is accurate and truthful. Authenticity is key to building trust and reliability on our platform.

Guidelines for Responding to Service Requests:Relevant Responses: Only respond to requests if you can genuinely fulfill the specified needs. Tailor your response to address the specific requirements mentioned in the request.

Timely Communication: Respond promptly to service requests. Efficient communication is crucial in the fast-paced touring industry.

Transparent Quotations: When providing quotes or estimates, be clear about the costs and what is included. Avoid hidden fees to maintain transparency and trust.


Prohibited Activities on Toury

To maintain the integrity and professionalism of our platform, the following activities are strictly prohibited on Toury:

Spamming: Sending unsolicited messages or responses, or repeatedly posting similar requests, is not allowed.

Fraudulent Listings: Posting misleading or false service offerings, misrepresenting your capabilities, or engaging in deceptive practices is strictly forbidden.

Misrepresentation: Falsifying your identity, qualifications, or experience, or misrepresenting your services, is a serious violation of our platform’s trust.

Harassment or Offensive Behavior: Engaging in any form of harassment, use of offensive language, or inappropriate behavior is strictly prohibited.

Violations of these guidelines may result in penalties, including but not limited to, suspension or termination of your account on Toury. We are committed to fostering a secure and trustworthy environment for all our users, and adherence to these guidelines is essential for the smooth functioning of our platform.


5. ID card verification for verification purposes

(1) Users have the option of verifying their identity by uploading a copy of their ID card. This verification is not mandatory, but merely serves to mark the user’s profile as “verified”.

(2) The transmission of a copy of the identity card is voluntary and requires the express consent of the user to the processing of this sensitive data.

(3) The copy of the identity card is used exclusively for the purpose of identity verification. The data will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be passed on to third parties. After successful verification, the copy of the ID card will be removed from our systems.

(4) We undertake to comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations in relation to the processing, storage and destruction of personal identification documents.

(5) Users can revoke their consent to the use of their ID card data at any time. Revocation will result in the removal of the verification mark from the user profile and the deletion of the corresponding data from our systems.


6. Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual Property Rights and User Content on Toury

At Toury, we respect and uphold intellectual property rights and expect our users to do the same. This section outlines our policies regarding the handling of intellectual property in relation to service listings, responses, and any promotional content posted by users on our platform.


Ownership of Content:

User-Generated Content: All content created and posted by users on Toury – including service listings, responses to requests, and promotional materials – remains the intellectual property of the respective users.

Grant of License: By posting content on Toury, users grant the platform a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, adapt, publish, and display such content for the purpose of promoting and operating the platform. This may include featuring listings in marketing materials or showcasing user testimonials.

Use of Content:

Respect for Intellectual Property: Users must ensure that any content they post does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others. This includes avoiding the use of copyrighted materials, trademarks, or proprietary content without proper authorization or acknowledgment.

Originality of Content: Users are encouraged to create and post original content. If you choose to incorporate third-party materials, you are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions and for acknowledging the source appropriately.


Prohibited Activities:

Infringement: Posting content that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of others is strictly prohibited. This includes unauthorized use of copyrighted materials, trademarks, or any other proprietary content.

False Representation: Claiming ownership of content that is not originally yours or misrepresenting the source or authorship of content is not permitted.

Removal of Infringing Content:Reporting Infringements: If you believe that any content on Toury infringes upon your intellectual

property rights, please notify us immediately. We commit to investigating such claims and taking appropriate action, which may include removing the infringing content.

User Liability: Users are solely responsible for the content they post and may be held liable for any infringement of intellectual property rights.6. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability

Reporting Infringements: If you believe that any content on Toury infringes upon your intellectual property rights, please notify us immediately. We commit to investigating such claims and taking appropriate action, which may include removing the infringing content.

User Liability: Users are solely responsible for the content they post and may be held liable for any infringement of intellectual property rights.


7. Adaptability to Industry Changes on Toury

Acknowledging the Dynamic Industry Landscape:

The touring and music industry is characterized by its dynamic and ever-evolving nature. Innovations, shifting market trends, and regulatory changes are inherent aspects of this vibrant industry.


Commitment to Continuous Adaptation:

Proactive Updates: In recognition of this constant state of flux, Toury is committed to regularly reviewing and updating our terms, services, and platform features. This proactive approach ensures that we remain aligned with the current needs and regulations of the touring and music industry.


Staying Informed:

We actively monitor industry developments, adapting our platform to embrace new opportunities and address emerging challenges.


Communication of Changes:

User Involvement: Our users are integral to this process of adaptation. We will keep our community informed about significant updates or changes to our terms and services.


Transparent Updates:

Any modifications to our platform, policies, or terms will be communicated clearly and promptly to our users. We believe in maintaining transparency to foster trust and understanding within our community.


8. Responsiveness to Legal and Regulatory Shifts:

Legal Compliance: We recognize the importance of adhering to legal standards and regulations. As these evolve, so will our platform and operational guidelines, ensuring compliance and safeguarding our users’ interests.Best Practices Incorporation: Embracing industry best practices is at the core of our operational philosophy. This commitment not only enhances our service quality but also aligns us with the ethical and professional standards of the touring and music industry.

By engaging with the Toury platform, our users acknowledge and accept the necessity of such adaptability. We pledge to make these transitions as smooth as possible, with the aim of continually enhancing user experience and meeting the dynamic needs of the touring and music industry.


9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction


Industry-Specific Legal Framework:

The nature of the music and touring industry, encompassing various geographical locations and a diverse array of services, necessitates a comprehensive legal approach. Therefore, the governance and interpretation of our terms, services, and user interactions on Toury are subject to certain industry-specific legal considerations.


Governing Law:

These Terms and Conditions, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims), shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Belgium, without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule.



Any legal suit, action, or proceeding arising out of, or related to, these Terms and Conditions or the Toury platform shall be instituted exclusively in the courts of Belgium. However, we retain the right to bring any suit, action, or proceeding against you for breach of these Terms and Conditions in your country of residence or any other relevant country.


Resolution of Disputes:

In the event of a dispute, we encourage users to seek amicable resolutions through negotiation or mediation before resorting to litigation. Toury is committed to providing reasonable assistance in facilitating such resolutions, keeping in mind the specific dynamics and needs of the music and touring industry.


Acknowledgment by Users:

By using the Toury platform, users acknowledge and agree that any disputes or legal proceedings are

to be conducted within the stipulated legal framework, taking into account the specificconsiderations and complexities of the music and touring industry.